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Client Charter Achievement Report

🏢 About UKAS Profile Client Charter Achievement Report

  1. 2024
  2. 2023
  3. 2022
  4. 2021
  5. 2020



First Quarter

(January - March

Second Quarter

(April - June)

Third Quarter

(July - September)

Fourth Quarter

(October - December)


To inform the decision of a complete PPP project proposal application within a period not exceeding three (3) months, subject to approval by:-

a) the Public Private Partnership Committee (JKAS); or

b) the Cabinet; or

c) YB Minister

 100%  100%  100%
 2. To negotiate and finalise the terms and conditions in the PPP project / Facilitation Fund concession / supplemental agreement within 12 months after the date of principle approval, which is subject to the approval of all related parties and the agreement is verified in order by the Attorney General’s Chambers.  100%   -   0%   
3. To submit views/comments on Cabinet Papers within 14 working days of receipt from ministry/agency.  100%   100%   100% 
4. To provide early acknowledgement within 3 working days of receipt of a complaint.  100%   100%   100%   



First Quarter

(January - March

Second Quarter

(April - June)

Third Quarter

(July - September)

Fourth Quarter

(October - December)


To inform the decision of a complete PPP project proposal application within a period not exceeding three (3) months, subject to approval by:-

a) the Public Private Partnership Committee (JKAS); or

b) the Cabinet; or

c) YB Minister

 100% 100% 100% 100%
 2. To negotiate and finalise the terms and conditions in the PPP project / Facilitation Fund concession / supplemental agreement within 12 months after the date of principle approval, which is subject to the approval of all related parties and the agreement is verified in order by the Attorney General’s Chambers.  100%  100% 100%  100%
3. To submit views/comments on Cabinet Papers within 14 working days of receipt from ministry/agency.  100%  100% 100%  100%
4. To provide early acknowledgement within 3 working days of receipt of a complaint.  100%  100% 100%  100%


First Quarter

(January - March

Second Quarter

(April - June)

Third Quarter

(July - September)

Fourth Quarter

(October - December)


To inform the decision of a complete PPP project proposal application within a period not exceeding three (3) months, subject to approval by:-

a) the Public Private Partnership Committee (JKAS); or

b) the Cabinet; or

c) YB Minister

 100% 100%  100% 100%
 2. To negotiate and finalise the terms and conditions in the PPP project / Facilitation Fund concession / supplemental agreement within 12 months after the date of principle approval, which is subject to the approval of all related parties and the agreement is verified in order by the Attorney General’s Chambers.  100%  100%   100% 100%
3. To submit views/comments on Cabinet Papers within 14 working days of receipt from ministry/agency.  100%  100%   100% 100%
4. To provide early acknowledgement within 3 working days of receipt of a complaint.  100%  100%   100% 100%


First Quarter

(January - March

Second Quarter

(April - June)

Third Quarter

(July - September)

Fourth Quarter

(October - December)


To inform the decision of a complete PPP project proposal application within a period not exceeding three (3) months, subject to approval by:-

a) the Public Private Partnership Committee (JKAS); or

b) the Cabinet; or

c) YB Minister

 100% 100%  100% 100%
 2. To negotiate and finalise the terms and conditions in the PPP project / Facilitation Fund concession / supplemental agreement within 12 months after the date of principle approval, which is subject to the approval of all related parties and the agreement is verified in order by the Attorney General’s Chambers.  100%  100%   100% 100%
3. To submit views/comments on Cabinet Papers within 14 working days of receipt from ministry/agency.  100%  100%   100% 100%
4. To provide early acknowledgement within 3 working days of receipt of a complaint.  100%  100%   100% 100%


First Quarter

(January - March

Second Quarter

(April - June)

Third Quarter

(July - September)

Fourth Quarter

(October - December)


To inform the decision of a complete PPP project proposal application within a period not exceeding three (3) months, subject to approval by:-

a) the Public Private Partnership Committee (JKAS); or

b) the Cabinet; or

c) YB Minister

 100% 100%  100% 100%
 2. To negotiate and finalise the terms and conditions in the PPP project / Facilitation Fund concession / supplemental agreement within 12 months after the date of principle approval, which is subject to the approval of all related parties and the agreement is verified in order by the Attorney General’s Chambers.  100%  100%   100% 100%
3. To submit views/comments on Cabinet Papers within 14 working days of receipt from ministry/agency.  100%  100%   100% 100%
4. To provide early acknowledgement within 3 working days of receipt of a complaint.  100%  100%   100% 100%

Last Updated

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