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Financial Analysis Section

🏢 About UKAS Profile Sections Profile Financial Analysis Section

To conduct analysis and provide relevant, reliable and professional financial advisory services to support decision making in attaining a fair distribution of revenue and risk between the Government and private sector, in line with the value for money principle.


  • Perform financial analysis using financial model(s) to identify the feasibility and viability of a PPP project;

  • Provide advisory services on financial, business and investment models, financing arrangements and financial risk distribution of a PPP project;

  • Participate in financial negotiation of a PPP project;

  • Conduct evaluation to identify the effectiveness and suitability of the PPP model as compared to the conventional model;

  • Identify areas of improvement to policies/guidelines on financial evaluation and commercialisation of a PPP project; and

  • Manage the Government’s financial commitment on PPP projects.

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