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🏢 Kategori JKAS Roles 5. JKAS Meeting Secretariat

a) Secretariat for the JKAS Meeting are the officials of the Secretariat Unit, Project Monitoring and Secretariat Section, UKAS, JPM.
b) JKAS Meeting Secretariat roles are as follows:

i.To provide an annual calendar of JKAS meetings and distribute the calendar to all meeting members;
ii.To coordinate proposal/working paper presentation for PPP projects in JKAS meetings; and
iii. To manage the meetings:

(a) Issue a letter to call for meeting;
(b) Verify meeting members' attendance ;
(c) Obtain the proposal / working paper for PPP projects from the desk officer and provide sufficient copies for reference in the meeting;
(d) Provide meeting place (with tagging) and refreshment;
(e) Coordinate logistics for the proposal / working paper presenters during the meeting; and
(f) Prepare and distribute minutes of meetings to relevant members of meetings / desk officer before 12 noon the next day.

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