7.1 JKK Roles
(A) To review and evaluate proposed PPP projects (including Dana Mudah Cara projects) from financial aspects, such as cash flow, project viability and benefits / impact to the Government;
(B) To review and evaluate company profile, financial strength, experience and expertise of the proposing company;
(C) To review and evaluate the tender document / RFP financially;
(D) To review and assess the financial appendix of Concession Agreement and Dana Mudah Cara and confirm to JKAS that the attached documents are in order.7.2 JKK members
(A) Chairman: Section Director (project negotiation supervisor), UKAS
(B) Secretary: Section Principal Assistant Director or Assistant Director (desk officer to the project negotiation), UKAS
(C) Permanent Members:
- Ministry of Finance Malaysia
- Economic Planning Unit, Prime Minister's Department
- UKAS Specialist Officer, related JPM
(D) Invited Members: Implementing Ministry / Agency
- Butiran